Thursday, March 15, 2012

New York guided reading session

I asked I wonder why does Brian have to survive in the wild for 54 days? is he going to die? is his mom going to find him and take him home?
Zeke: maybe they're looking for him and they can't find him.
Amaya: He doesn't know what to do
Zeke: He does know what to do, first he found these nasty seeds but then he found these better seeds
Me; so what do you think that says about Brian
Amaya: He's smart and brave. I think he's still sad but he's doing what he needs to survive. I've got a question about the shelter, I haven't read up to that part. Is there anything else in there?

Brandon: Is there going to be a wolf later in the story? because why'd they put a wolf on the cover?
Amaya thinks it's a statue
Zeke: why would a statue be in the middle of the wilderness.

Zeke talks about the berries and when Brian walked into Brian.
I wonder why the bear walked away from Brian and ate the berries?
Amaya: he probably didn't want to eat him, smelled his blood, and wanted to eat animals not humans
Alex: He sensed the poison from the berries that Brian ate.
Zeke: I don't think that's realistic. I think he likes berries more than humans.
Me: What could you research online to get a better understanding of what happened between Brian and the bear.
Zeke: do bears like berries more than humans? do they eat humans?

How's this process going?
Zeke: i think it's good because if you gave us a topic we might not have an answer. I think its good because we can do our own questions that we can have good answers for.
Me: How do you
Zeke: so if we do our own questions, you should know how to answer it.
Me: Why?
Amaya: You said the question so you can understand it.

Alex: it's going ok, but when we come together we haven't read the same amount.
Zeke: if you read on your own you can ask more questions but some people can't discuss the answers with you.

Zeke's notebook has exploded with questions, research, theories about what's happening in Hatchett. He had a lot to say during guided reading today. I think he really likes being able to generate his own questions because it removes the anxiety of trying to find the answers that he thinks I'm looking for. He can research and think more freely this way.

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