Saturday, October 13, 2012

Questions from KWL Chart

From Oct. 5 (forgot to post)

This is a chart I laminated and keep in the back of the room.  I'm encouraging students to post any questions that come to them during any part of the day.  Here are the first batch:

- Why does Melvin want to get George and Harold?
- Did people live in these citys and Montana whe the train was buit?
- Why do the Union Pacific kill the Bison just so the indons go away?  by Cyrus
- Dear, Mr. Welch  How did thay get the chine men thare if thay can't spek Chines.
- How big was the first transcontinental railroad?  Donnell
- Is there a head of all the railroad companies -Vianey

There was also one post-it in the learned section:
- I learned that the Indians ate buffalo.  Darvell

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