Friday, December 7, 2012

gr group tennessee

Darvell: How did they rebuild all the stuff that burned down?  How long did it take?
Nyrissa: How long did it take to take to rebuild everything that got burned down?
Dameko: Why were the buildings made of wood?
Malik: Did the lady die before the news asked her?

I talk to them about making their questions more specific to find good research answers.

What do we have to do to make our questions better?
Nyrissa: We have to make our questions about the Chicago Fire.  Like: how did all the stuff get burned down by the Chicago Fire?
Dameko: How did all the stuff get burned down in the Chicago fire?
Me: what about the word "stuff"?
Nyrissa: Like the houses and buildings.
Me: what if we put that in the question?
Nyrissa: In the Chicago Fire, how did all the houses and buildings get burned down?
Malik: I think I can improve my question.  In the Chicago Fire, did Ms. O'Leary die before the news asked her how did the fire start?
Dameko: Where are the O'Leary's in the Chicago Fire?
Me: that's confusing, are you talking about where they lived?
Dameko: No, we know where they lived.  When they opened the door the O'leary's weren't there.
Me: So what are you talking about then?  Do you mean where did they go?
Dameko: Where did the O'Leary's go when the Chicago Fire started?

They start researching, but Dameko and Malik want to change their question.

Research findings:
-The wooden building burned quickly which helped the fire speed towards the center of the city
-The fire spread quickly because all the houses were made of wood.
-Ms. O'Leary was in bed and Michael Ahern made up the story about the cow kicking over the lantern.  Nobody knows how the Chicago Fire started.
-Because it was the fast to make them out of wood, and the cheapest.

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